Fastest VPN

In many people’s opinions, the best VPN is likely to be the fastest one, with WireGuard technology now available, having a VPN slow down your connection is simply not tolerable. Fortunately, just about all of the top providers provide incredibly fast speeds, and in general we propose considering other criteria because you’ll almost certainly not notice any difference between some of them. Read our mega guide and find the fastest VPN in a few minutes!

Ben Grindlow

Ben Grindlow is the founder of ProXPN, a company that provides reviews about VPN products and services. Ben's interest in cybersecurity and privacy led him to start ProXPN, which has become one of the most well-respected VPN providers in the world. Ben is passionate about his work, and he is constantly exploring new ways to improve ProXPN's in-depth guides.

Last updated: 22:22PM 9/17/2024

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Table of Contents

On this page, you will learn which virtual private network (VPN) service providers currently offer the quickest connections. It is essential that the connection speed be satisfactory whenever you use a virtual private network (VPN), whether it be to conceal your Internet activity or for any other reason. Whether you are connected to a virtual private network (VPN), you do not want to experience any delays when you are browsing the web or viewing videos.

How do we test the fastest VPN’s

Because of this, we have conducted in-depth tests to compare the speeds of various VPN services, and on this page, you will discover a ranking of the top 5 fastest VPNs available at the time. When you use a virtual private network, or VPN, there is a theoretical possibility that the speed of your Internet connection might be reduced significantly.

This is due to the fact that all of your internet traffic, which requires an additional step, flows via a Virtual Private Network server. In addition, when you use a virtual private network (VPN), every bit of data that travels over the Internet on your device must first be encrypted and then decrypted before it can be sent or received. Both the encryption and the decryption of this data require some time, which results in delays.

It is therefore vital for VPN companies to employ servers that are able to swiftly encrypt and decode data in order to achieve satisfactory speeds. It is also essential that the server has adequate bandwidth to provide a satisfactory level of performance to the whole number of users.

Which criteria are important to find a fast VPN?

Comparing the various VPN services based on the same criteria is necessary if we are interested in locating the one that offers the quickest connection speeds. As a result, we put the following methods to use in order to compare the speeds offered by the various service providers on our website:

  • The rate of downloads
  • The rate of uploading
  • Ping

During the test, we will be utilizing the server that is physically located in the city of Berlin. When conducting our comparisons of VPN services, we always use a server in Berlin or Europe as the location of the test to ensure that the results are as objective as possible. Due to the fact that we also test from Germany, the distance should only result in a slight reduction in speed.

A speed test was also conducted without the use of a virtual private network (VPN). The following are the consequences of this action:

  • Download: 231,2 Mbps
  • Upload: 39,4 Mbps
  • Ping: 3 ms

The Top 4 Fastest VPNs of 2022

The four fastest Virtual Private Network (VPN) providers are listed down below for your convenience. At number one is the VPN service that is the quickest, and number four is the service that is the fourth fastest.

All of the virtual private network (VPN) services on our list are quick enough for those that place a premium on speed, such as while downloading files anonymously. If you are searching for a VPN service that is quick, you may select practically any of the ones that are listed below. In order to do an accurate comparison, you will need to focus on other aspects of the virtual private network (VPN) services listed below that are significant to you.

1. Surfshark

New to the top VPN market is the provider known as Surfshark. As you can also see in the Surfshark review, they have made several enhancements to the service in order to better meet user needs. Also, the speed has significantly increased in recent times, to the point that they are currently ranked first in this category.

Utilizing peer-to-peer networks (like torrents) is likewise perfectly acceptable in this regard. Because of its speed, using Surfshark for this purpose is, of course, a more appealing option.

The incredible speed of Surfshark was something that, to tell you the truth, pleasantly surprised us. While connecting to a Surfshark server in Amsterdam, we were able to get the following connection speeds.

  • Download: 199,1 Mbps
  • Upload: 38,4 Mbps
  • Ping: 4 ms

2. NordVPN

NordVPN is the virtual private network service that has earned a reputation for being dependable and responsible with the data of its customers. In addition, the speed is quite nice to note; if you only want to use it for browsing the web, listening to music, and watching movies on YouTube, NordVPN is more than fast enough for those activities.

  • Download: 132,3 Mbps
  • Upload: 38.9 Mbps.
  • Ping: 6 ms

3. ExpressVPN

ExpressVPN’s huge server capacity is the primary contributor to the service’s impressively quick speed. We have the impression that they only permit a limited number of connections per VPN server on their systems. It’s possible that this is at least partially to blame for the lightning-fast speeds that may be achieved using ExpressVPN connections.

  • Download: 128.6 Mbps
  • Upload: 38.3 Mbps
  • Ping: 5 ms

4. CyberGhost

CyberGhost possesses a large number of servers, and it would appear that they have more than enough servers to guarantee that none of the servers are overburdened with traffic. While put into reality, this indicates that any user may achieve a satisfactory speed when connected to a CyberGhost VPN server.

During our testing, we saw that this is the case, therefore we can confirm it. The following are the speeds achieved by utilizing a server located in Amsterdam:

  • Download: 126,9 Mbps
  • Upload: 34,2 Mbps
  • Ping: 5 ms

Why does using a VPN make my internet connection slower?

When you access the internet using a Virtual Private Network (VPN), there is a good chance that the speed of your connection will be somewhat slowed down. There are two explanations for the decline in speed:

A virtual private network (VPN) server is utilized for all internet traffic. This additional step takes time, and although it only adds a few milliseconds to the total, it is still considered a delay.

  1. In addition to that, the server itself might be an additional aspect that contributes to the slowdown. This takes place when an excessive volume of data causes the server to reach its capacity and become overwhelmed.
  2. Every piece of data is encrypted. A mathematical procedure, known as encryption or decryption, is what the processor does to the data before and after it is encrypted. This computation takes time, both on the VPN server where it’s being performed and on the device you’re using it on.
  3. The duration of the procedure is proportional to the speed of the processor as well as the complexity of the encryption. This can significantly slow down the connection on servers that are already handling a large number of simultaneous VPN connections.

A slowdown may feel like it takes an unexpectedly longer amount of time for a web page to load. However, the reality is that even with a fast VPN, it doesn’t take more than a blink of an eye for a website to load. Therefore, when using the internet with a fast VPN, you won’t even be aware that you’re connected.

Why is a slow VPN a problem for users?

You may become aware that the virtual private network (VPN) is slowing down while you are processing huge volumes of data, such as when downloading and streaming videos, for example. This might create a considerable delay, particularly for users who utilize a virtual private network (VPN) as a torrent proxy. A download can take a significant amount of extra time. Additionally, the loading time of a video may become substantially longer, and the video may even buffer as a consequence of the VPN connection.

What steps can you take to test the speed of your VPN?

You may test your upload speed, download speed, and ping using one of the many different speed tests that are available on the internet. You may do a speed test on your VPN connection while it is still live in order to evaluate its performance at its full potential.

You may take an additional step in order to determine how much of an influence an active VPN connection has on your internet speed. Use the speed test to determine how quickly your internet connection is without connecting to a virtual private network (VPN).

Then repeat the test while connected to the VPN, and you will be able to observe how much slower your internet connection becomes as a result of using the VPN. When you wish to evaluate your VPN connection, you should always do a speed test first.

Speed alone will not get you the job done

Simply put, this list will show you which VPN providers offer the fastest connections available to users in the world. We strongly recommend that you never prioritize speed over anything else.

For instance, it is essential to determine the total number of connections and whether or not the privacy policy will accommodate your requirements. There is no guarantee that the quickest VPN service is also the finest.

As a result, we strongly suggest that you do adequate research before committing to a Virtual Private Network (VPN) service. We strongly suggest that you go with the alternative service since the difference in speed is so negligible that you won’t even notice it if it’s the only positive aspect of the package.

Protocols also have an effect on the fastest VPN providers

The Virtual Private Network (VPN) protocol, and notably the encryption, is another factor that contributes to the overall speed of a VPN connection. A computer requires a greater amount of processing resources to encrypt and decode communications proportional to the strength of the encryption it uses.

It is necessary to have this amount of processing power on both your device and the VPN server. The processing power of both your computer and the server determines how long it takes to encrypt and decrypt the data. The more computing power both have, the faster the operation will be.

Note that you will likely not even notice this in practice very much because the encryption is so lightning quick. However, there is still a loss of some speed. If you are looking for the quickest possible VPN connection, you should select an encryption method that is not overly complicated.

PPTP is the most efficient VPN protocol currently available; it is many times more efficient than OpenVPN. It should be mentioned that it is also a lot more unsafe than OpenVPN. However, it functions correctly if you utilize a virtual private network (VPN), for example to view films that are restricted in your region.

Conclusion about the fastest VPNs in 2022

The fact that we were able to reach the aforementioned download and upload speeds in our testing does not necessarily guarantee that you will be able to get the same speeds at your location and with your internet provider as we did in our measurements. The speeds might vary depending on a number of things, including how distant you are from the server that is being used.

In addition, the time of day that you connect to a server might have an effect on the speed, which means that the VPN service that was previously the quickest option may no longer be the fastest option. There are instances when server load is higher than usual simply due to the fact that a greater number of people are accessing the same server at the same time.

Frequently asked questions

CyberGhost: We’ve tested a lot of VPNs, and CyberGhost is the quickest. Streamable service with no logs and excellent encryption. Comes with a 45-day money-back guarantee if you don’t like it.

Due to its high levels of data encryption, PureVPN is generally secure. FastVPN, on the other hand, logs a significant amount of user information for numerous reasons, including your IP address and data used to create a customized experience.

The farther your data must travel to reach a VPN server (or from a VPN server to your intended website/service) the slower your connection will be. Longer distances caused a number of problems: longer distance = more data packet losses = slower speeds. country-to-country/network peering relationships are slower.

In this situation, the VPN has an impact on WiFi, but it does so in a positive way. The app won’t accept for a weak connection due to security concerns generally. A good VPN network connection will also have “lean” VPN protocols that don’t add encryption bulk.

Choose the server with the fewest people. If you’re using a VPN without need for maximum security, use PPTP, L2TP, or Wireguard protocols. For optimum security and performance, use OpenVPN UDP or Wireguard protocol. Choose a lesser level of encryption.

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