Have you just purchased a MikroTik LXX8Ui-2HaCK-IN router and are ready to take your network to the next level? No worries, we'll help you get started! In this guide, we'll take you step-by-step through the process of setting up your MikroTik LXX8Ui-2HaCK-IN router so you can quickly enjoy a fast and stable network. Let's get started!

MikroTik LXX8Ui-2HaCK-IN router setup guide

Passo 1: Verificar o conteúdo da caixa

Before we begin the installation, it is important to check that you have received all the necessary parts. The box of your MikroTik LXX8Ui-2HaCK-IN router should contain the following items:

MikroTik LXX8Ui-2HaCK-IN router device
Adaptador de corrente
Cabo Ethernet
Guia de início rápido

Make sure you have everything before proceeding to the next step.

Step 2: Connecting the MikroTik LXX8Ui-2HaCK-IN router.

Ligue o router ao seu modem: Use the included Ethernet cable to connect the MikroTik LXX8Ui-2HaCK-IN router to your modem. Insert one end of the cable into the router's WAN port and the other end into an available port on your modem.
Ligar o adaptador de corrente: Ligue o router ao adaptador de corrente fornecido e ligue-o a uma tomada eléctrica. Verifique se o router está a receber energia suficiente e a funcionar corretamente.

Passo 3: Ligar e preparar o computador

Ligue o seu computador ao router: Use a second Ethernet cable to connect your computer to one of the LAN ports on the MikroTik LXX8Ui-2HaCK-IN router.
Verificar as definições de IP: Check that your computer is set up to automatically obtain an IP address. This can usually be done through your operating system's network and Internet settings.

Step 4: Accessing the router interface.

Open a web browser: Launch your favorite Web browser and type the default IP address of the MikroTik LXX8Ui-2HaCK-IN router into the address bar. This IP address is usually
Iniciar sessão: You will be prompted to log in. The default username is “admin” and the password field should be blank. Click “Login” to access the interface.

Step 5: Set up basic configuration

Configuração rápida: After logging in, you will be taken to the Quick Setup page. Here you can quickly configure the basic settings of your router.
Internet Connection Setup: Select the type of Internet connection you have (e.g. DHCP, PPPoE, Static IP) and enter the required information as provided by your Internet service provider.
Set up Wi-Fi: Give your Wi-Fi network a name (SSID) and set a password. Choose a strong security method, such as WPA3, to protect your network.
Save and apply: Click “Apply” to save and apply the changes.

Step 6: Explore advanced settings of the MikroTik LXX8Ui-2HaCK-IN

Now that the basic configuration is complete, you can explore some of the advanced features of your MikroTik LXX8Ui-2HaCK-IN router:

Firewall e segurança: Definir regras de firewall para proteger a rede contra acessos indesejados. Isto pode ser feito através do menu "Segurança" > "Firewall".
Port forwarding: Make certain services or devices within your network accessible from the outside by setting up port forwarding through the “Advanced” > “NAT” > “Port Forwarding” menu.
Quality of Service (QoS): Prioritize certain types of network traffic, such as video streaming or online gaming, to ensure that these applications always have sufficient bandwidth. This can be done through the “QoS” menu.

MikroTik LXX8Ui-2HaCK-IN troubleshooting

Should you encounter problems while installing or using your MikroTik LXX8Ui-2HaCK-IN router, try the following solutions:

Reiniciar o router: Disconnect and reconnect the power adapter to restart the router.
Verificar os cabos: Make sure that all cables are correctly connected and secure.
Firmware updates: Check for firmware updates for your router via the MikroTik website to make sure your router is up to date.

With this guide, you should have everything you need to successfully set up and use your MikroTik LXX8Ui-2HaCK-IN router. Have fun with your new network!